Fees & Rebates
Fees vary depending on the purpose of session
At least 24 hours’ notice is required if you wish to cancel an appointment. This allows another client to be offered the appointment time.
If you do not give the required notice or fail to arrive for your appointment (unless an emergency or circumstances outside your control) you will be charged a cancellation fee of 50% of the quoted fee, which must be paid before another appointment can be made.
Please note that individual counselling is no longer provided by this practice.
Full Dyslexia Assessment (4-5 hours): $1360
Cognitive Assessment only (1.5 hours): $660
Functional Assessment – Literacy and/or Numeracy only (2-3 hours): $828
Consultations: $185 (50 mins)
Price for full assessment include a 1 hour follow-up consultation, and a full written report. Full payment is due on the day of the assessment. The report will only be made available after full payment has been received.
Medicare rebates are not normally available for psycho-educational assessments, unless there is a referral from the GP and assessment is considered necessary for planning for long-term management of emotional difficulties. Check with your private health fund as they may provide rebates.
Further discounts may be available for health care card holders. Please speak with your psychologist to discuss this option.